Taking a break

The last couple of weeks I've been very tired and also a bit burned out with plein air painting, I think, so I took a bit of a break. In the meantime I did paint a bit at home, and I did a couple of pencil sketches from life around town, which was already a refreshing break from plein air painting but evidently I needed another week or so. Then I felt ready to give it a shot again, so I headed to a spot I'd had my eye on for a while; a little seemingly out-of-use newsstand. As an added exercise after taking such a long break I tried to go for a more realistic color palette. Usually I prefer a muted palette, or sometimes brighter more saturated colors, usually to communicate luminosity. In this case the actual scene was a bit in between, sunlit but the subject isn't very colorful and it was slightly cloudy as well. I thought using more true-to-life colors would suit the subject better but it proved to be a bit of a challenge, and I'm not sure it was the best choice in the end. Especially determining the local colors on the newsstand was difficult. It is a dark muted red, which proved hard to make stand out from the surroundings in the painting. If I simply brightened the color it looked too cold and if I used a higher chroma color it didn't look natural anymore. Before arriving to the final result I painted over the colors on the light side of the newsstand several times. Perhaps to make the newsstand pop as much as I wanted I should have strayed a bit farther from realistic colors and made the background darker and used slightly higher chroma on the newsstand. I might still try to do that but for now I'm leaving this painting alone. Either way it was a good exercise to get back into plein air painting.  Let me know what you think in the comments here, or on my Instagram.


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